How to Prune a Bird of Paradise Plant

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Prune a Bird of Paradise plant to keep it looking its best and encourage its healthy growth. Learn when and how to prune your Bird of Paradise for optimal results.

This discussion is an in-depth look at the care and maintenance of the bird of paradise plant. One of the most stunning additions to any garden or patio.

Prune a Bird of Paradise Plant
Prune a Bird of Paradise Plant

So read on to learn everything you need to know about this breathtaking plan if you are thinking about adding a bird of paradise plant to your outdoor space.

We will cover from planting and watering to the pruning process step by step.

How to Prune Dead Leaves Bird of Paradise?

Pruning dead or yellow leaves from a bird of paradise is an important maintenance task that can help your plant stay healthy.

Here are the steps to prune dead leaves:

Step 1

Look for leaves that are completely yellow or completely dead. Do not remove partially yellow or partially dead leaves. As they may still be providing photosynthesis for the plant.

Step 2

Using sharp, clean pruning shears, cut the dead leaves off the plant, as close to the base of the stem as possible.

Step 3

Be careful not to cut into the underlying flesh of the plant or the healthy leaves.

Step 4

Avoid over-pruning, as this can stress the plant and lead to problems. Only remove the dead or yellow leaves.

Step 5

The plant may produce new leaves after you have performed the pruning. Make sure to keep the plant well-watered during the recovery period. But avoid over-watering.

Step 6

Monitor the plant for any signs of pest or disease issues. Address them promptly if they occur.

Can I Prune a Bird of Paradise to the Ground?

This is a common practice in the garden industry. It can be done as part of regular maintenance or in response to infection, disease, or for aesthetic purposes.

It is important to understand that cutting a bird of paradise down to the ground can be a drastic step. It will take time for the plant to regrow and restore its full health.

If you decide to cut a bird of paradise to the ground, here are steps to follow:

01 Choose the right timing

It is best to cut a bird of paradise down to the ground in the fall. After the flowering season has ended and before winter arrives. This will allow the plant to recover before the cold weather sets in.

02 Use sharp pruning shears 

This is to cut the plant at the base of the trunk, just above the soil level. Avoid cutting too high up on the plant. As this can leave an unsightly stump.

03 Protect the remaining foliage

After cutting the plant down, protect the remaining foliage with a fabric row cover to prevent frost damage.

04 Maintain good moisture levels

Ensure that the soil remains evenly moist during winter, but avoid over-watering.

05 Wait for new growth

Give the plant time to regrow and restore its health. It may take several years for the plant to fully regrow and reach its mature height and size.

How to Cut Bird of Paradise Leaves?

To cut bird of paradise leaves, follow these steps:

Step 1

Identify the leaves that you want to remove. Bird of Paradise plants requires at least 6 hours of sunlight per day for optimal growth.

Prune a Bird of Paradise Plant
Prune a Bird of Paradise Plant

Some leaves may have turned yellow, become overgrown, or are in bad shape. This is the time you can cut them off.

Step 2

Use sharp pruning shears to cut off the leaves. Be careful not to damage the stems or branches when cutting. Cut as close to the base of the stem as possible.

Step 3

The cut leaves should be properly disposed of. Do not leave them around the plant, as they may become a breeding ground for pests or invite infection. Place the cut leaves in your green waste bin.

Step 4

Monitor the plant for signs of pests or disease. Birds of paradise plants can be prone to spider mites. Which can damage leaves and cause them to brown or curl inward. If you see signs and symptoms, treat them immediately.

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How to cut bird of paradise flowers?

One of the most exciting events in the life of a Bird of Paradise plant is when it blooms. The flowers can be stunning, with a variety of colours and shapes. 

Like all things in nature, the blooms are ephemeral. They will inevitably fade from time to time. It is important to know how to properly cut the flowers to prolong their vase life.

Prune a Bird of Paradise Flower
Prune a Bird of Paradise Flower

Here is what you need to know about cutting bird of paradise flowers:

Correct timing

The best time to cut bird of paradise flowers is when they are at their peak bloom. Cut them in the morning, before the flowers open fully, to help maintain their freshness.

Choose correct equipment

Use sharp pruning shears or garden snips to cut the flowers. Cutting the flowers with a dull blade can cause damage to the stems. Which can result in rapid wilting.

Cutting length

The length of your cut is important. Cutting the flower too short can cause it to wilt prematurely. Conversely, cutting too long and your flower could end up looking sloppy.

Cut the flower just above where the flower attaches to the stem, leaving 2-3 inches of stem intact.

Watering process

Once you have cut the flowers, place them in a vase filled with warm water. This will help extend the life of your blooms.

Avoid adding any other additives, like sugar. As they can cause the flowers to wilt more quickly.

Choose the correct area

Keep your flowers in a cool, dry and dark place until you are ready to place them in their vase.

Light and heat can cause your flowers to fade more quickly. So consider storing them in a room with minimal lighting and air conditioning.

How to Trim Bird of Paradise Roots?

Trimming bird of paradise roots is an important part of maintaining the health of the plant. Root trimming should be done during the plant’s growth season. Typically in early spring or late summer.

Prune a Bird of Paradise Plant
Prune a Bird of Paradise Plant

Here are the steps to trim bird of paradise roots:

Step1: Choose the right time

Spring before the plant blooms or summer immediately after blooming is the best time to trim the roots. During the summer, trim the roots after the new growth has become about 4 to 6 inches tall.

Step2: Check the root growth

Before trimming the roots, check if they have become bound or grown out of the pot. If the roots become bound. They can not absorb water or nutrients, which can cause the plant to decline.

Step3: Prepare the tools

You will need a sharp saw, pruners, or a sharp knife. Depending on the size of the root system.

Step4: Remove the plant

Gently lift the plant out of the pot and carefully remove the soil from around the roots. Be careful not to damage the plant while removing the soil.

Step5: Inspect the roots

Examine the roots for any signs of decay. Such as soft, mushy areas or root rot, black colour, or a stench. Remove the damaged roots with saw or pruning tools.

Step6: Cut the roots

Cut away any thick roots to encourage new, healthy roots to grow. Cut the roots about one to two inches from the base of the plant. Leave some of the thicker roots to support the plant.

Step7: Repot the plant

Place the trimmed plant back into the pot with fresh potting soil. Make sure not to bury the roots too deeply. Firmly press the soil around the roots and water generously.

Pro Tip

  • Bird of Paradise plants require light, well-draining soil to prevent root rot. A mix of peat moss and perlite is a good starting point.
  • Bird of paradise plants are susceptible to overwatering. Which can lead to root rot. It is important to water only when the soil is dry to the touch. 
  • These plants are susceptible to infestations of spider mites, thrips, and mealybugs. So it is essential to keep an eye out for these pests. If you see signs of an infestation. Use natural remedies to control them.


In conclusion, the bird of paradise plant is a stunning addition to any garden or patio. With proper care and maintenance. It can flourish and bring beauty to your outdoor space.

By understanding the plant’s specific needs and preferences, you can ensure that it will grow strong and healthy for years to come.

Take the time to research your plant and provide it with the care it deserves. Enjoy the beauty of bird of paradise plants for years to come.


Q: What is the best soil for a bird of paradise plant?

The best soil for a bird of paradise plant is a well-draining mix of peat moss and perlite. The soil should be light and not too dense to prevent root rot.

Q: How often should I water my bird of paradise plant?

Water only when the soil is dry to the touch. It is essential to avoid overwatering. Which can lead to root rot. When you water, thoroughly soak the soil without allowing it to sit in excess water.

Q: What is the best fertilizer for a bird of paradise plant?

A balanced fertilizer with a 10-10-10 NPK ratio is the best option. This includes equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Which are essential for plant growth and health.

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