[Pilea Peperomioides] Chinese Money Plant: How to Propagate Chinese Money Plant

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Chinese money plant, this gorgeous tiny plant is simply incredible. It is an ideal way to provide a little bit of attraction to your domestic jungle with its circular, deep green leaves.

It is a beloved houseplant that is stated to bring one’s prosperity and good fortune. The rounded, coin-shaped petals of the plant and its native China, from where it has long been valued for its imagery, are undoubtedly accountable for this belief.

Chinese Money Plant

The Chinese money plant, also called Pilea Peperomioides, We are frequently questioned about the origin of the name Chinese Money Plant. truly, the exact species is from the southwest region of China.

The Chinese money plant is relatively easy to care for and can thrive in a variety of conditions.

Specification of Chinese Money Plant

General NamePancake plant, Chinese money plant, coin plant, UFO plant
Scientific NamePilea Peperomioides
Plant Family Urticaceae
Type of PlantPerennial 
Mature Size 12 in tall, 8 to 12 in. wide
Sun Exposure Partial 
Type of SoilWell-draining 
Soil pH ValueAcidic, neutral 
Bloom Time Spring
Native AreaEurope, North Africa, West Asia
ToxicityPoisonous to humans and pets. Safe from Cats

How to Propagate Chinese Money Plant From Leaf

Chinese Money Plant

Selection of leaf

A fresh leaf from your Chinese money plant should be chosen. Pathogens and diseases should not be present on the leaf.

Get ready to trim the leaves

A 45-degree angle from the leaf is cut by a sharp knife or pair of cutters. Be sure that the leaf’s stem is connected by nearly an inch.

Calcification of the tissue

Leave the edge of the leaf cut at the end of a day or more to dry up and develop a layer of callus. This minimizes the risk of decay when buried.

Plant in soil

The cut edge of the leaf should be planted about 1-1.5 inches deep in well-drained gardening soil.

Maintain optimal conditions

Put the planted leaf in a cozy space with some indirect sunshine. Ensure that the soil has an adequate amount of moisture without overwatering.

Track your growth

Young plantlets should begin to arise from the base of the leaf over several weeks. Gently move them into separate pots once they have gained a few inches in height and developed roots.

How to Propagate Chinese Money Plants in Water

Chinese Money Plant

Choose a healthy cutting

Pick a piece of stem with a few leaves and a healthy stem that is at least 3 to 4 inches long.

Trim extra leaves

Remove extra leaves from the base so you have a clean stem that will more effectively soak up water.

Place in water

Place your cutting in a glass or other transparent container with just enough water to cover the stem, keeping the leaves above the waterline.

Water should be changed periodically

In order to keep the water healthy and to stop bacterial development. So try to replace the water on a regular basis.

Provide indirect light

Try to avoid direct sunlight by situating the container in a position with sunlight that is indirect.

Track your growth

In 2-4 weeks, the roots should begin to form. Place your cutting into the soil once the roots are around 1-2 inches long.

Plant in soil

Carefully plant the cutting you just rooted in well-draining soil and sprinkle with a little water.

How to Propagate Chinese Money Plant From Cuttings

Choose a mature plant

Look for a Chinese money plant having mature, reliable leaves.

Prepare cuttings

Cut healthy stems just below the node of leaves using clean, razor-sharp scissors or pruning tools to prepare cuttings. Seek for cuttings that are around 4 and 6 inches long.

Trim extra leaves

Cut extra leaves, especially those at the bottom, to concentrate energy on root growth.

Calcification the tissue

Leave the edge of the leaf cut end of a day or more to dry up and develop a layer of callus. This minimizes the risk of decay when buried.

Plant in soil

Place the callused edge of the cutting into the soil, ensuring that they are firm and placed properly.

Maintain optimal conditions

Proper care should be provided, including light irrigation and regular hydration. Keep the area warm and humid and place it in light that is indirect.

Track your growth

  • Young plantlets should begin to arise from the base of the leaf over several weeks.
  • Gently move them into separate pots once they have gained a few inches in height and developed roots.

How to Propagate Chinese Money Plant Plant Pulp

Harvest the seeds

By picking the fully mature plant fruit and extracting the seeds from their pulp.

Seed cleaning and drying

Wash the seeds to get rid of any pulp that might be left on them, and then allow them to dry out in the air for a day or two.

Preparing planting medium

Use a seedling-starting blend that drains effectively in a shallow pot or seed planter as the planting medium.

Plant the seed

When planting the seeds, ensure they are spread out evenly and not buried too deeply in the soil.

Maintain optimal conditions

Sustain constant humidity avoiding the accumulation of water, and keep the container in a warm, well-lit place with indirect sunshine.

Track your growth

Transplant seedlings into individual pots or a bigger container for their subsequent growth. Once they have matured into several leaves and become healthy enough to be handled easily.

Chinese Money Plant Care Indoor

The Chinese money plant grows well indoors with little effort.

1. Plant it in a pot of average size in soil that drains properly. Avoid direct sunlight and place yourself in a bright, indirect area.

2. Sustain a regular watering schedule and let the soil dry out slightly between applications for the prevention of root decay. Regularly trim any undesirable growth to preserve its unique appearance.

3. During the growth season, fertilize once a month with a balanced fertilizer that is liquid. For uniform growth, regularly rotate the planting vessel.

4. The desired temperature range for Chinese money plants is between 65 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit (18 and 24 degrees Celsius). Enjoy this unique, gorgeous plant’s simplicity in care.

Chinese Money Plant Care in Winter (Pilea Money Plant Care)

Your Chinese money plant is crucial for its health and growth in the winter. When temperatures drop, you will need to modify a new care routine to match your plant’s natural growth cycles and requirements.


Make sure that your plant receives sufficient indirect sunshine throughout the winter. Placе it nеar a sunny window, but kееp it wеll away from dirеct sunlight, which can damagе thе lеavеs.


Kееp thе room at an idеal tеmpеraturе of 60-75°F (15-24°C). Be careful not to place your plant near winds or heating ventilation holes, since drastic variations in temps might stress it.


Throughout the winter, indoor heating may dry out the air. Enhance moisture by placing a device known as a humidifier right next to it or placing a water-filled marble tray beneath the plant.


Limit the amount and frequency of watering in order to prevent overwatering. Monitor the soil moisture level and water just in case the topmost inch is dry. Water effectively, but be sure that every last drop of water drains.

Trimming and upkeep

Remove any fading or damaged leaves in order to promote compact, bushy growth. Examine for insects on a regular basis because indoor warmth might attract pests.

How Long Does It Take to Propagate Chinese Money Plant

Depending on the technique of propagation used, propagating a Chinese money plant (Pilea peperomioides) can range from several weeks to a few months.

The following is a broad time frame for the best-known and most frequent propagation procedures.

Cuttings in water

  • Roots are normally begin to grow in approximately 2 to 4 weeks.
  • The cutting will need to be placed into the soil after the roots are around 1-2 inches long.

Cuttings in soil

  • Roots typically begin to grow in approximately 2 to 4 weeks.
  • Once the roots start germinating and developing, transplant the cutting into an even bigger container.

Offsprings or pups

  • These tend to be the most efficient approaches since the offspring may be easily separated and transplanted from the roots of the parent plant.

Conditions such as temperature, humidity, light, and overall plant health are all factors that influence propagation efficiency and speed.

It needs to be done to create ideal circumstances that allow for beneficial propagation as well as rapid development.


Q. What is a Chinese money plant?

It is a popular houseplant that is believed to bring good luck and prosperity. It is a small, compact plant with round, glossy leaves that grow on long, thin stems.

Q. Why is the Chinese money plant trending?

It is trending due to its popularity on social media and its reputation for bringing good luck.

Also, the Chinese money plant is relatively easy to care and can thrive in a variety of conditions.

Q. What are the benefits of growing a Chinese money plant?

1. The plant can help to improve air quality by removing toxins from the air.

2. The Chinese money plant is believed to have stress-relieving properties.

Q. What are some common problems that affect Chinese money plants?

Some common problems that affect Chinese money plants include:

1. Root rot: To prevent root rot, be sure to let the soil dry out slightly between waterings.

2. Spider mites: To treat spider mites, use an insecticidal soap or neem oil.

3. Mealybugs: To treat mealybugs, use an insecticidal soap or neem oil.

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