7 Best Houseplants for Beautiful Blooms in Winter

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Winter can be a tough season for gardeners and plant lovers. The lack of sunlight, cold temperatures are the main dificulty to growing the plants. Also, dry weather can make it difficult to keep plants alive.

Houseplants for Beautiful Blooms in Winter
Houseplants for Beautiful Blooms in Winter

However, several houseplants are known for their beautiful blooms during the winter months.

Here are seven captivating plant choices to bring floral cheer into your home.


This bulb plant is a popular choice for the winter season due to its large, showy blooms. They come in various colors including red, pink, and white.


Amaryllis prefer bright and indirect light, they don’t need any direct sunlight. It should be watered sparingly to avoid root rot.

Amaryllis plants contain substances that can be toxic to humans and pets if ingested.

Specification of Amaryllis

These are the important specifications of this plant.

General NameAmaryllis
Scientific NameHippeastrum
Plant Family Amaryllidaceae
Mature Size1–3 ft. tall
Flower colorRed, pink, white, orange
Blooming TimeLate winter to early spring
Light Bright but indirect light
Type of Soil & waterRequires well-draining soil & moderate watering
Native AreaSouth America
ToxicityToxic to both humans and pets if ingested
Growing SeasonWinter to spring
-Bonus Tips-
  • Amaryllis bulbs can be purchased pre-planted or as bare bulbs.
  • After flowering, allow the foliage to die back naturally before storing the bulb for next year.

Christmas Cactus

This cactus is known for its winter blooms. This houseplant is very popular in the winter season. The colorful flowers have come in pink, red, and white shades. These flowers last for several weeks.

Christmas Cactus
Christmas Cactus

Christmas cactus prefer bright but indirect light and should be watered when the top inch of soil feels dry.

It is easy to propagate by stem cuttings. Remember, overwatering can create a problem.

Specification of Christmas Cactus

General NameChristmas Cactus, Schlumbergera, Thanksgiving Cactus
Scientific NameSchlumbergera Buckleyi
Plant Family Cactaceae
Plant Type Succulent
Mature Size1-2 feet in height and width
Flower colorRed, pink, or white, but also found in orange, purple, and yellow
Blooming TimeNovember to December (also can bloom through February with proper care)
Light Bright, indirect sunlight. Can tolerate some morning sun.
Type of SoilWell-draining cactus mix
Native AreaSoutheastern coast of Brazil
ToxicityNon-toxic to humans and pets
-Bonus Tips-
  • Christmas Cactus need short days and cool temperatures to initiate blooms.
  • Deadheading spent flowers encourages new blooms.


This plant produces delicate, upswept blooms in shades of pink, red, and purple. Cyclamen prefer cool temperatures. It prefers bright and indirect light.


They should be watered from the bottom to avoid getting water on the leaves which can lead to fungal growth.

It is propagated by seed or division of the tuber although seed propagation is less common.

Specification of Cyclamen

General NamePersian Cyclamen, Alpine Violet, Sowbread
Scientific NameCyclamen persicum
Plant Family Primulaceae
Plant Type Tuberous perennial
Mature Size6-12 inches tall and wide
Flower colorWhite, pink, purple, red, salmon, and bicolor combinations
Blooming TimeNovember to February
Light Requirements Bright, indirect sunlight. Avoid direct sunlight, especially during midday
Type of SoilWell-draining potting mix specifically for cyclamen or African violets
Native AreaMediterranean and Middle Eastern regions
ToxicityTubers are poisonous if ingested

-Bonus Tips-

  • Cyclamen is sensitive to drafts and sudden temperature changes.
  • Deadheading spent flowers encourages new blooms.

Paperwhite Narcissus

These fragrant flowers are a popular choice for winter because they can be forced to bloom indoors. It looks amazing in winter.

Paperwhites prefer bright and indirect light. It should be planted in well-draining soil with plenty of space for their roots.

Paperwhite Narcissus
Paperwhite Narcissus

It is propagated by division of the bulbs after flowering and it can prefer slightly humid conditions

Specification of Paperwhite Narcissus

General NamePaperwhite Narcissus, Winter Daffodil, Tazetta Narcissus
Scientific NameNarcissus papyraceus
Plant Family Amaryllidaceae
Plant Type Bulbous perennial
Mature SizeTypically grows 8-16 inches tall
Flower colorPure white, although some cultivars have faint yellow trumpets or a green undertone
Blooming TimeDecember to February
Light Requirements Bright, indirect sunlight. Avoid direct sunlight, especially during midday
Type of SoilWell-draining potting mix for bulbs
Native AreaMediterranean region, possibly South Africa
ToxicityAll parts of the plant are poisonous if ingested

-Bonus Tips-

  • You must wear gloves when handling bulbs because the sap can irritate the skin.
  • After flowering, allow the foliage to die back naturally before storing the bulbs for next year.


This classic and beautiful holiday plant produces bright red or white blooms and is often used as a decoration during the winter season.


Poinsettias prefer bright, indirect light and should be watered sparingly to avoid root rot.

Specification of Poinsettia

General NamePoinsettia, Mexican flameleaf, Christmas star
Scientific NameEuphorbia pulcherrima
Plant Family Euphorbiaceae 
Type of PlantShrub
Mature Size3–10 ft. tall, 3–7 ft. wide, 10ft outdoor
Flower colorYellow, also has pink, white, or cream bracts. Green, lobed foliage forms a backdrop
Sun Exposure Full, partial
Type of SoilLoamy, well-drained 
Native AreaMexico
ToxicityToxic to both pets and human
Bloom TimeWinter

-Bonus Tips-

  • Poinsettias are sensitive to drafts and sudden temperature changes.
  • Try to avoid placing them near heat sources like radiators or fireplaces.

Get Poinsettia Full Guide

Winter Jasmine

This is also a very popular plant in winter. This shrub produces bright yellow blooms during the winter months. It prefers full sun and well-draining soil.

Winter Jasmine
Winter Jasmine

Winter jasmine can be trained to grow on a trellis or allowed to spread as a ground cover.

It is propagated by layering, semi-ripe cuttings, or from seeds. Mainly three types of Winter Jasmine are available.

  1. Common Winter Jasmine
  2. Winter Honeysuckle
  3. Star Jasmine

Specification of Common Winter Jasmine

General NameCommon Winter Jasmine, Winter Jessamine, Winter Blooming Jasmine
Scientific NameJasminum nudiflorum
Plant Family Oleaceae
Plant Type Deciduous shrub
Mature Size6-10 feet tall and wide, but can reach up to 15 feet
Flower colorVibrant yellow with five petals and a central cluster of stamens
Blooming TimeLate winter to early spring
Light Requirements Full sun is preferred for abundant blooms
Type of SoilWell-draining, fertile soil with slightly acidic to neutral pH
Native AreaCentral and West China
ToxicityAll parts of the plant are mildly toxic if ingested

-Bonus Tips-

  • Pruning after flowering promotes bushier growth and more blooms for next year.
  • The plant naturally forms a graceful vase shape, but light pruning can help maintain the desired form.
  • Winter Jasmine is relatively pest and disease-resistant.

Winter Rose

This is one of the most beautiful plants for your house. Christmas Roses can bloom for many years with minimal care. This plant produces rose-like blooms in shades of pink, white, and red colours.

Christmas Rose
Christmas Rose

Winter roses always prefer bright and indirect light. They should be watered sparingly to avoid root rot.

So many types of roses are available in our nation.

  1. Hellebore
  2. Christmas Rose
  3. Lenten Rose
  4. Winter Iris
  5. Snowdrops

Specification of Christmas Rose

General NameChristmas Rose, Black Hellebore, Black Christmas Rose
Scientific NameHelleborus niger
Plant Family Ranunculaceae
Plant Type Evergreen perennial
Mature Size12-18 inches tall and wide. But older plants can reach up to 2 feet
Flower colorwhite, soft pink
Blooming TimeLate winter to early spring (January to March)
Light Requirements Shade or partial sun. Avoid direct afternoon sun
Type of SoilWell-draining, fertile soil rich in organic matter
Native AreaEurope
ToxicityAll parts of the plant are poisonous if ingested

-Bonus Tips-

  • Christmas Roses prefer undisturbed soil, so resist the urge to transplant them frequently.
  • Deadheading spent flowers encourages new blooms and maintains a tidy appearance.


These seven houseplants are sure to add some color and vibrancy to your home during the winter season.

With proper care and attention, they can produce beautiful blooms that will brighten up even the dreariest of days.

Read More Easy Plantation Method:

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